Friday, October 23, 2009

innovations in the dinning market

Hotels and restaurants are introducing so much modern dinner and glassware into the market.
There was a time when hotels and restaurants wanted to make you feel at home, all of that is changing. The market has realized that, in order to get the public into the car and go somewhere they have to offer excitement. Now when that burger arrives at the table it may be on a rectangular plate with more room for fries like these at Color is also playing a big role in this new market as well.
Another big innovation is the disappearance of the stem from our wine glasses. Long the custom in Europe, America has finally come on board with interesting shapes for wine glasses. I think this may be a financial savings as well, since these glasses are less likely to break and also much easier to clean.
A trend that has also really caught on is the step away from the huge plates so popular during the late 90’s and early part of the millennium. Now on buffets you will find wonderful small squares, ovals and rounds just perfect for the food at that station. I would like to think that the industry is looking out for the American waistline but, once more I believe it is a win/win for the budget.
My favorite innovation is the coffee cup and saucer (pictured). The Ritz Carlton in Atlanta has brought this clever update into play. The indent in the saucer has been offset so that the cup sits to one side leaving room for a snack and your spoon.
Yep, I am ready to embrace all of these chic changes and bring them home….What will the industry do next to get us excited about food?

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