Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why should I hire a Designer/Planner

Many people in the corporate and private sector are put in charge, or take on producing an event with little or no knowledge of what is involved. Let me say that organizing a sorority event or a college kegger is not a qualification! The pitfalls of a badly produced event are enormous and stories abound in the event world, here are two examples.

An outdoor event for 500 employees and family members set in a public park
With public rest rooms consisting of four toilets…no one thought to order supplemental port-o-lets.

A wedding Catered by a friend of the bride (not a professional caterer)…no one thought of having plates and utensils for 125 guests.

These fiascos make for lasting memories but not the ones you hope for!

When you start to look for an event designer or event planner you may want to see that they are connected within the event industry. There are several professional organizations: M.P.I. Meeting Planners International, N.A.C.E. National Organization of Catering Executives, and I.S.E.S. International Special Events Society to name a few. Members of this kind of organization have professional relationships with vendors in their community and the capability to network nation/worldwide when necessary. They receive publications informing them of all the latest market trends and new products and most of all, for you, ways to save money.

How much is your time worth?
How much is your sanity worth?
How much is your job worth?

These are real questions and are all reasons to work with a designer/planner: they save you time by being your single contact for all of your needs and knowing how to follow up and follow through. You can sleep at night knowing that you have complete listings of everything from time schedules to menus put together in an orderly fashion. A professionally produced event may not only save your job but could even lead to a promotion!

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